lunedì 23 luglio 2012


Di ritorno dal Circo Nero sulla spiaggia di Vada. Ho bisogno di farmi tipo 5/6 docce per rimuovere la sabbia che ho trasportato fino a casa e per rimettermi in sesto i capelli .. Consiglio spassionato: non andate a fare il bagno a Vada/spiagge bianche se ci tenete a capelli e pelle. Apparte questo, oserei dire che ho passato una bellissima giornata con le amiche.

Just came back home from a July summer festival in Vada. Sky & Sand. I need five/six showers for remove all the sand and to fix up my hair 'cause that beach is made by chemical products and some other crap things I don't want to know about. You see the light blue colour of the sea and you dream to be at the Maldive. but maybe u'll become a chemical experiment.That's insane! However, today was an amazing girls day on the beach. So happy for that!

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